As with most popular visual novels, there are a few surprises in this game! The protagonist of the visual novel Witch Tutor is not so simple! He can calm down any villain! But can he cope with a dozen young and curious witches? It might not be so easy! Especially in the situation he was in! And you will definitely find out if you download the game Witch Tutor
The hero of this otome game for PC - a private investigator! Her name is Claire! And she's being assigned a dangerous investigation again! Ahead of fascinating adventures full of risky and racy situations! And without your help, she can hardly untangle this tangle of mysteries! Download the excellent visual novel Tricky Gang
The events of this otome game for PC are rooted in the past! A new vision of the cult event of the past century! Tungus phenomenon!Was it a meteorite? Was it really that simple and unequivocal? Let's try to make sense of those events together! To do this, download the visual novel Tunguska Secret
As is often the case in popular visual novels - Hell and Heaven are at odds again! Good and Evil rarely live in peace! So, the protagonist of this visual novel will not be bored! He will have to seduce some married hotties! And it's not very easy! But this guy knows how to get his way! Especially if you help him! Download the Last Lover game on our visual novel website
There are tons of secrets in Project Bathyscaphe games! You can find anything you want! Yes, yes!Unusual and incomprehensible items, someone's memories or dreams and much more!If you find something unusual, be sure to bring it to the Bazaar! Schwartz will help you deal with your find! And more! It depends on how you ask him
5 games in 1! A whole line of games for the price of one! A truly gigantic game world!
Change the game setting without leaving the project! Tired of the world of magic? Fly to space!
Powerful system of content protection! What you got for money, no one will get for free!
Everything is transparent! No pitfalls! No obscure settings and hidden fees!
Support 24-7! I do not promise the absence of bugs! I promise competent technical support!
The Bathyscaphe project has been in the works for about four years.
During this time, he went through the stages from writing a game engine to beta testing. More than 200,000 game elements (sketches, renders, scripts, etc.) have been accumulated. Now in the project, no more than 10% of the accumulated material! The rest of the content is waiting in the wings!
Join our virtual world! You won't regret it!
Stay tuned to this visual novel website for project news!
And immerse yourself in the abyss of games on our Bathyscaphe!
Interesting moments of project development. Useful materials and hints! All this on our visual novel website! All in our news!