How do you envision a school of magic and wizardry?
Imagine a huge castle in the snowy mountains! A castle full of magic and enchantment! Hundreds of students studying the mysterious laws of magic! Of course, under the supervision of experienced magicians and wizards! They study potions, combat magic, griffin flying, and even the life of dragons! This is a whole magical universe with its own life! In which there is a place not only for studying! In the school of magic there is a place and interesting adventures, different jokes and, of course, love! And you now have a unique opportunity to break into this universe and contribute to it!
Once upon a time there was a simple guy named Emelya. He was hungry for women, but lazy to work! Emelya was tired of working! And Emelya wanted to marry a princess! And get half a kingdom as a dowry… so that he’d never work again!
And then fate helped him! He caught a Goldfish! And the Goldfish fulfilled Emelya’s wish! She sent him to the Castle of Magic and Enchantment! Where, according to rumors, there is a real princess!
The headmaster of the School of Magic and Wizardry accepts Emelya! Appoints him mentor of the graduating group of girls. So Emelya becomes a mentor and educator of young witches!
How will he find a princess among a dozen young witches? Will he be able to marry the princess? It depends on you!
So, Emelya finds himself in an ancient Castle full of Magic, Magic and… young hot girls! From now on, the introduction ends and we start the game on our own!
Game Tips
Succeed to live in the game world of Witch Tutor!
- The peculiarity of this game is the dynamics! The world of this highschool romance game does not wait for the protagonist! It lives its own life! It is constantly changing! If you’re not in time, you’re too late!
- Everything is in your hands! To be on time, learn the daily routine of the castle’s inhabitants! It’s not exactly easy, but it’s possible. Then you will know who, where they are at the moment, and what they are doing!
Determine your immediate goals and move towards them!
- Difficult? Find helpers and companions. As in many unique visual novels, there is everything here!
What’s the difference?
- Helpers are characters who can assist you in some specific way. In most cases, these are quest characters. They won’t follow you around and help you with everything. But they will do what they are supposed to do on their quest.
- Companions will follow you everywhere! (Or almost everywhere) But first, you need to win their friendship and trust! Try it – it’s not that hard!
Witch Tutor is the first highschool romance visual novel with network play! Join!
What's in store for you in this game?
Open World
A huge magical world open for round-the-clock exploration!
Find the best of the best! Gather your team and go in search of adventure!
Battle System
Prepare for battles with bloodthirsty enemies! The reward could be your life!
Inventory Cube
Transformer of items in your inventory! Upgrade and collect expensive and rare items!
Game in development! New content is being added! Patrons can influence this process!

The main quest of the highschool romance game is to repair your spaceship! Constantly look for help! There is someone in the Castle who can help you!

Like many unique visual novels, there are interactive objects! Look for them! They can unlock new Quests and Events!

This is highschool romance game! And it has some freeform elements! For example, you can punish female discipline offenders yourself!

In the visual novel Witch Tutor, you can explore the magical Castle at night! Find trustworthy companions for your nighttime travels!
Download VN Witch Tutor
(Patches, mods and discussion about the game Witch Tutor on our Discord server)

Emelya may conduct morning and evening uniform inspections.
Inspections are conducted directly in students' rooms.
During lessons in all non-classroom areas of the Castle.
At night! Either in student rooms or in various areas of the Castle.
Just click on the violator with the left mouse button.
But be warned - you have to do it quickly!
Because when you appear, the violator will try to escape!